Monday, February 9, 2015

Secret Shopper

This activity was a little hard for me, because I am a browser. I like to read book covers and find my own books. So asking at the desk for a good book took some good acting on my part. I approached the front desk, because this library's reference desk is not always manned. I asked the person working if they could help me find a good book to recommend at my next book club meeting. The person asked several questions about the book club. How many people in the group, age range of group, and the one question I was hoping she would ask......What titles have we already read and did we enjoy them.

I shared that most of the titles we have read thus far were self help, religious or relationship books. I wanted to recommend to the club something that was fiction, but had a morale. I couldn't contain any bad language or sexual content. She showed me several titles in christian fiction that would of been good, but I said I wanted to use my title to draw in more people to the group. That the titles we have read so far seemed to all be christian in one way or another, so I wanted something a little broader in content to attract others that may not participate because of the "christian" label.

She showed me several titles that other book clubs had reported were good titles and a few that she personally enjoyed. She didn't however look on the internet to use any RA tools. Even after I rejected the first several titles, she still just sort of browsed the shelves finding titles that had gotten good reviews. I did however leave with three titles that would work for my group, her methods worked for my needs, but I wonder what she would have done if I would of kept rejecting her suggestions.


  1. Interesting experience! You may have gotten lucky and found a librarian that had a similar reading profile and was well read. I also wonder what would have happened should you have wanted something more radical or you were more stubborn. Did she use the library's catalog at all?

  2. Jennifer she didn't use the catalog or any other source while helping me. I suspect she may of had I been a little less pleased with her suggestions. Which is probably what I should have done for the purposes of this assignment, but the experience made me feel a bit uncomfortable. I like to find my own things, when shopping and when looking for book titles. Knowing this is the way my personality is, I always think there are others who don't like to approach the desk for help. I try to design my displays with those kind of people in mind.
